Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Two more stops before Vancouver

Just in case there are PEEPS out there who have read the Conversations With God books, seen the movie, seen The Secret and know of Neale Donald Walsch, there is still time to see him.
If anyone has read my book--a journey truly through the darkness of religion {several} to the lightness of just BEING LOVE, you'll know that for me to promote something "spiritual," that it is for everyone.
Especially in times of war, hatred and killing--his talk will be about all of that and how the world is the way it is today and how we can individually and collectively use our ENERGY to change our seemingly downward spiral!
There's lots of various info on my BLOG but here's his final stops -- give yourself a present and go -- your life will change forever and nope, you won't be in a cult whatsoever {as my family thought I had been once--they even had me kidnapped by an ex-Moonie for deprogramming}. See, I know about religion and I've chosen spirituality with a twist because I can be quite vulgar and unladylike at times!! {ha-ha}....

The Humanity's Team 2007 World Tour

* ARGENTINA -- April 22-23, Buenos Aires
* UNITED STATES -- April 27-29, Atlanta
* CANADA -- April 29, Vancouver
For more information on times, locations, and ticket availabilities for these events, go to

IF anyone comes to Vancouver--you absolutely must say HIGH to me and give some hugs!!!
Peace-out for now!!

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