Monday, September 24, 2007

GRIEF / MIRRORS - Stage Two & On & On we go....

I have previously written about Grief/Mirrors and how we truly see each other within the mirror's reflection...through the eyes of another do we see ourselves.

In reflecting, after a heavy disagreement and misunderstanding and not being heard...I wrote a poem that I thought I would share. I hope it makes sense to someone out there who is angry with another...


What part of me left the ALL to wander outside of my higher self?

What part of me left the cocoon of ALL
To allow arrows to pierce the heart…
Words to disintegrate like acid rain over my being

I see me…
What should be ALL of me has become fragmented now that I have wandered outside

Awe - to witness that which I had chosen not to be
I have forgotten for but a moment that has turned into a lifetime

I see me…

Little one?
Innocent babe already lying away from the womb
So soon feeling alone in that room

I see me…

I see me through you -- and your world
The world around me is within me…my mirror

You -- you who cause me hurt!
What power you have to stir such sorrow within my core

You -- who has rejected me!
What emptiness I feel with barely a word

You -- who spews insults at me!
What part of me allows myself to feel them as if I have spoken them and made them my truth?

I see ALL of me outside of the ALL

Oooh, the hurt, the anger, the sorrow, the abandon
Are you ALL of what is not?
Are you ALL that I must be before I re-member

I must go inside now
I must stake claim to what I perceive as the world without causing hurt
It is I -- I echo a voice through my puppet
My puppet speaks insult but in truth, it is I

I have wandered away…

How do I return?

I see. I see. To re-turn is to make a YOU-turn back within
But first, I know
Still -- I know somewhere within -- that I cannot take with me what I have allowed to cause pain
For pain does not exist within

Aaaahh, I see
I see ALL of me as each wound stares into my soul

Come here my wounds -- come and I will heal you
For I have found a new me
The opposite of what you have caused me to feel

If not for you, I would never have found higher ground
For I would not have climbed such a steep hill

If not for you, I could not forgive
Forgive -- to free me
So that I could truly live

I forgive you with thankfulness
Thank you hurt, sorrow, anger
Thank you for showing me ALL that I am not

What part of me left the ALL to wander outside of my higher self?

Blessed ALL, for you have become I AM
I AM cleansed through the sweat of my sorrow -- through the sweat of climbing that hill

And now I see
I see with amazing clarity

I AM no longer those parts of me that are wounded
For they are disintegrated within the light

What part of me left the ALL to wander outside of my higher self?

With thankfulness, I leave the world’s reflections of my old self behind
I have climbed the steep hill because I have re-membered


Amazing personal experience while doing "Fire The Grid" for World-Peace meditation

I wanted to share where my soul seemed to take flight while doing the "Fire The Grid" for World Peace meditation -- I hope it inspires at least one person to walk through the fires of sorrow on our planet via their thoughts and prayers -- and to bring one soul from the burning refuge created through the oppostive of LOVE....

Here's my experience through the fire of the grid meditation:

It is my intention to heal my soul, to BE within love in each moment and to partake to heal our earth and love Her children.
I give permission to my soul to participate 100% at 11:11GMT with gratitude and thankfulness to be within the energy to rebuild my foundation and the foundation of the world; to feed my soul constantly and to feed the children of the world at the same moment.
I am firing the grid; I partake within the energy shift of this moment
I am grateful to find and know and feel and connect with my absolute joy within this spiritual hour.
My intention is for my body to awaken me in time to partake;
The greatest abundance of energy within this hour is one of love, of abundance for all, of love, of belief. The abundance of personal energy is to raise my own energy field to my higher spiritual level.
I am special
I am empowered
I am enlightened
I am a peace of divine source
I am a participant within firing the collective energy into WE
I walk into joy
I choose to feel the shift and have enormous gratitude for this honourable gift
I accept each human/each soul exactly as they are in this moment

I felt the layers--from my physical being to deep into the cosmos of my guides and angels and the planets guides and angels--and then deeper into infinity where the level of angelic realm exists that is not within this world.
My joy of life, of trees, of times with dolphins, snorkelling in coral, seeing this planet as mostly water and seeing that the seas need to be healed to allow life force to flow within her natural, undisturbed rhythms.
I remembered all of my moments in nature, quiet by the sea, snorkelling, feeling and sensing the beauty of this planet and of spirit.
I felt my angels and a spiritual realm around the space of myself and my eye’s view to the trees and sky and also to the pictures around my personal space of angels, fairies, nature, sunsets…and then deep into the centre of earth… as I became love and peace, I understood how my BEing affects this planet and all around me. It is a beautiful awakening to see how a choice-change can alter energy and consciousness of others. I saw why I must choose consciously to raise my own energy field to my higher spiritual level.

I saw all children playing, laughing, schools, eating, babies gurgling in their mother’s arms--rather than trying to catch their last breath on this planet--this image of a baby gurgling and cooing next to a baby starving and dying caused a rush of spirit through me…really showing me, allowing me to feel what is in this moment and what we can and will change. My visions fell to Africa and India and Thailand but mainly the first two as far as visions of children and mothers living in joy, rather than fear. Guerrilla soldiers put down their machine guns and came home to eat with families and to laugh; their need for war and power through violence left as they laid down their weapons.
I saw men and women, and the disconnect between these two powers. I saw men with the intention to rape women but in that moment of intent, their hearts changed. Rather than grabbing a woman to attack her, their arms outstretched to touch a woman’s shoulders, as if to create an excuse that the woman dropped something and to pass it to them…allowing for a light to come between them, eliminating fear in that moment.
I saw myself with men in prison, teaching them, asking them to look into a light at the front, urging within my thoughts for each of them to allow feelings and compassion to enter their beings as they knew not emotions of others. I saw myself with women and children, helping, teaching, laughing. I saw myself in women’s shelters and again realized the fragment of the two humanities of this earth.
I began to feel my self leave my body in a partial sense and float up to the cosmos--gathering the energies and sending them down to the earth. I felt like I was gently floating to gather the beauty of infinity and also to look at earth from a galactic view--to see the light; the change that has happened and then as my legs elongated back down to earth, the rest of my spiritual/angelic and physical body came back to my self.
Towards the end, my thoughts seemed to completely stop and a white light entered into my thought space. A thought came through but it felt distant--amazed at how easily this light took the space of my thoughts and then I understood to be still and let this white light download into my core the essence of my being and my spiritual role within this life. I felt the download happen and laid still, safe and peaceful, as light filled me.

As I opened my eyes, I still felt the spiritual presence and I knew I was home, where I am in this moment in our time and space. I heard the rain and saw the trees and sky and our beautiful pictures of angels around me and I knew I had returned from the most magnificent journey.
I now enter into an agreement to BE and give to this planet and its people--a love, a joy, and a belief in peace. And so it is.
Below is from one of my dearest friends, who is truly a spiritual guru and “gets me”
It happens regularly that reliving biological birth tends to open up access in the collective unconscious to images and experiences of unimaginable violence, cruelty, and bloodshed. People experience atrocities committed throughout the centuries-episodes from wars, revolutions, the torture chambers of the Inquisition, and concentration camps.
When the process of self-exploration reaches this level, the experience becomes transpersonal. The history of the individual merges with the history of the species. People who began this process as personal therapy often feel at this point that they are actually healing not just themselves, but also the field of species-consciousness. It is as if the collective unconscious contained impurities, undigested stuff from previous ages, and as if bringing it fully into individual consciousness for processing actually represented collective cleansing and healing.
The depth and intensity of these experiences is far beyond the framework of what one can regard as personal, and individual people feel that they have become one' wlth suffering humanity.