Monday, April 23, 2007

Allelulia!! Babies are Now SAVED at last!!!

If you can enlarge it, you can undoubtedly read the great news in any paper or on-line or through the Vatican's Theological Commission or on The Catholic News Service website!!
No offence intended; it's just my journey and the outrageously insanity of what we, as humans with brains, have allowed ourselves to fall into...

I would love to ponder with the “peeps” of the world how the human-made-decision to make the Pope, I'm sorry--to make the Pope INFALLIBLE has given HIM the ability to decide to suddenly save babies who were once {and that's a REALLY LONG "ONCE" doomed... but now because the Pope is without sin--he has the power to tell millions and millions of Catholics that unbaptized babies will no longer be doomed--but suddenly SAVED!!

With this infallibility, ability to change--at presumably God's will--any law whatsoever, I would love the Vatican to help God/Pope to keep us waiting no longer... and get to the presses with HIS writings of his own Conversations With God--with or without having to meet with the Vatican studies group!! What sayeth God to the only human who is without sin in our current age?

I was born Catholic, raised Catholic, and it took me into my fourth decade to get OUT in more ways than one... OUT of the closet; OUT of religion; OUT of how this tiny little planet brings GOD into our little tiny space..

Doesn't anybody want to trip out of our galaxy, into the other cosmos, and have a God-eye view on whuz-up?? God = LOVE so why is the planet so out of love with each other? IF only we could step out of our skin, out of our mind, and into SPIRIT. I have finally found peace within Spirit, leaving religion--all of them--behind. If we each thought about it… I wonder??

I've reacted to this insane article and decision because {sadly-- it's a story that touches home in my book Circles in the Sand -- about when my sister's baby was dying and against her wishes, my mother snuck in a Catholic priest to perform the Last Rights so the sweet, precious 10-day-old darling soul of Mick wouldn't forever be plunged DOWN {although when we're in the cosmos -- there is no Up and no Down and No East and No West... groovy & cool}... to LIMBO for eternity!

Settle down on prayers to God for the next while because THEY have a "hole" lot of backlogged babies at those gates, waiting to finally get a cuddle from Mother God....


Peaceful/Paisible said...

oh dear, I quite agree with you...that story with the Pope is just shocking...i gave up catholic religion long ago...but how can they take advantage of the sorrow of so many people...just saying, we've been doing something great for your dead babies!!!! a shame really...
I'll come back dear...

E.J. "Samadhi" Whitehouse said...

Oh Mousie..I just saw your comment and I hope you don't think that I AGREE with this insanity!!
My writing is the opposite of agreeing; it is disgraceful that the Pope has made this insane decision, believing that he has just changed God's mind!!

I so deeply believe that GOD is Spirit + We are ALL Spirit = We are part of God which equals LOVE!

It took me a lifetime to break free of the Catholic church and many other religious dogmas so please... this is not my belief; my belief is shared after the Pope's announcement.

Peace & Love to ALL of us and every little baby soul....