Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Would love to do interviews on various themes in Circles in the Sand

Just in case an editor or radio DJ or even television are reading my blogs, I would be honoured to be part of your program. There are so many themes to share personal experiences with viewers: Middle East, Israeli/Lebanese war, Saudi, Palestinians, Extreme family dysfunction--with father and trickling down through the family as is "textbook"... so much to share.


As Samadhi has been getting noticed through book readings and 1:1 intimate conversations, she has noticed the common thread… we all want to live in peace, with forgiveness, and to be able to find our own truth. Gay women, straight women, men, fathers have reviewed Circles in the Sand--and each of them has taken something inspirational from Samadhi’s journey.

Not only has she shared intimate and what were “dark secrets,” she also has been able to incorporate more than a handful of personal information on the Middle East and its various people and beliefs. Samadhi has written on her many experiences, including war, religion, judgement, and her thoughts on how both Eastern and Western religious dogmas are incongruent with PEACE.

If you want to share soul-level conversation, Samadhi is prepared to be open on every theme within the pages of Circles in the Sand [please see Theme Chart within her web pages].


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