Saturday, January 9, 2010

PART TWO {oops - part one is just below! ) -.Mind Movies ++ --

PERSONAL BONUS: Should you also decide to purchase any teaching modality from The Passion Test & The Passion Test On-line {three styles to learn from + it's via WWW so the whole world has access to a facilitator {ME!} } -- I will take 11.11% off the price! My favorite – because we work so closely together from all points around the globe – is the Passion Test On-line {PTO} where you actually create your own “book” all about your top passions!

Check out my web site for further information. Who knew you could become a “self-published author”!! This is my gift to you, apart from and not affiliated with MindMovies or the above promo BUT they both fit together perfectly and will allow use of ALL your senses and neurons to change those old, negative brainwaves finally– becoming a producer of your life’s passions and goals and desires!! A win/win where you create visuals, audios, affirmations, pictures, music, writing ALL directed to your personal and passionate destiny!

E.J. SAMADHI Whitehouse

Facilitator, Passion Test On-line/The Passion Test™ / Author, Circles in the Sand

Mind Movies $20 Recession Buster Promotion (Jan 6- Jan 22) --

Here we go then – YOUR future is NOW!

RE: Groundbreaking NEW VIDEO Interview – Yours Free!

I have a very special treat for you today!

This doesn't happen very often but best-selling author, radio host and human potential expert John Seeley was in Sydney, Australia recently and Ryan Higgins from Mind Movies managed to pin him down for a very informative short video interview.

In this candid interview Ryan really gets the low down from John on:

Ø How and why visualization works.

Ø How to get your subconscious mind to agree with your conscious mind.

Ø The one thing that can make any visualization tool more effective.

Ø How to ignite your motivation towards any goal.

Ø And more...

You can watch this video interview right here:

Enjoy & have a great day!


P.S- Definitely sign on to receive SIX life-changing pre made Mind Movies valued at $234.00 plus access to an inspiring and insightful MP3 where a lot of information about the program and results are explained and celebrated. See below for Part Two!

Part Two


RE: FREE Inspirational MP3++++++

Did you enjoy the revealing video interview Ryan and John Seeley gave you access to? It was nothing short of amazing, giving specific strategies on how to apply the Law of Attraction & visualization to all areas of your life including:

Ø Personal

Ø Business

Ø Relationships

Ø Health

Ø And More

I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did! And I can only assume you signed on to receive the following:

The teleseminar! In this teleseminar, they tell you specifically how to bust through and rise above the current recession.

You can get it for FREE right here:

Plus, as a special surprise, you also received SIX life-changing Mind Movies!

It's all yours here FREE:

See -- that’s why I’m hoping to save the best for last but if you want to receive the next e-mail sooner than later, let me know!

To Your Colossal Success,

S a m a d h i

Trust me -- don't hesitate making this a part of your world...your very own CREATION with every sensory perception being aligned and activated – every cell of your being will be touched…with the most fab-YOU-lous and 'BE-YOU-ti-FULL' being your heart & your THOUGHTS...and your life’s passions will be the destiny you have chosen!

Now, enjoy the attached letters and links to a great interview & teleseminar & +++

I trust this will stir up excitement about YOU creating YOUR passionate life – with lots of help and support from the staff of MindMovies!!